Growing up without a telephone
When I was growing up on the family farm on the Callahan County side of Scranton, Texas in the ‘40s and ‘50s, we didn’t have a telephone. In fact, a lot of families there did not have telephones. One of the reasons was probably the economic status of folks suffering from a long drought and the decline of the family farm. But a primary reason to go without a telephone was poor phone service. Downtown Scranton, in Eastland County, was served by Southwestern Bell, which provided their customers with good phone technology. However, that company’s franchise extended westward less than a mile just over the county line into Callahan County. Thus, our area of the Scranton community was beyond that boundary and in the service territory of a small company situated in Putnam, later to be absorbed by another small firm in Baird, Texas. This phone company on the Callahan County side provided poor line maintenance and antiquated equipment. The phones in use on the rur...